Project title:

Comparative evaluation of the computer-adaptive EORTC quality of life measures

Principal investigator:

PD Dr. Johannes M. Giesinger

Project coordinator:

Micha J. Pilz

Project summary

The project aims at comparing the computer-adaptive EORTC quality of life measures against other important patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures in the field that assess the same or similar constructs. The comparator instruments were selected for similarity of assessed domains, for being widely used in cancer research and for expected relevance in future cancer research. The projects includes a conceptual comparison of the PRO measures, the exploration of the possibility to link the EORTC measures to the comparator measures and the investigation of the relative validity of the EORTC measures and the comparator measures in known-group comparisons.


Juan I. Arraras, Hospital of Navarre (Pamplona, Spain)
Mogens Groenvold, Bispebjerg Hospital and University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Bernhard Holzner, Medical University of Innsbruck
Marieke van Leeuwen, The Netherlands Cancer Institute (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
John Ramage, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Basingstoke, UK)
Heike Schmidt, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Halle, Germany)
Teresa Young, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre (Northwood, UK)